
Break Free From Patching Groundhog Day with VSA



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Strong patch compliance stands as the first line of defense against ransomware. Shockingly, over 50% of ransomware attacks stem from poor patch compliance, often due to end users blocking patches.

Let’s face it, your techs and sysadmins don’t want to spend their days on patch management. The repetitive nature of the task drains productivity and increases technician churn. Luckily, there is a better way. By harnessing the futuristic patching capabilities of Kaseya VSA, you can bolster your cybersecurity, lighten the tech/sysadmin workload, and focus on more engaging projects.

Join us for this webinar to discover:

  • Why patching serves as the best defense against cybercriminals.
  • The challenges inherent in achieving patch compliance.
  • How to leverage CVSS and CVE scores to prioritize patches effectively.
  • Techniques for dramatically improving your patch deployment success rate.
  • How best-in-class endpoint management solutions can autonomously patch devices, even in the dead of night.