Walking the Data Security vs Data Privacy Tightrope

Protecting personal, sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands is increasingly one of the top reasons SMBs turn to MSPs for guidance and assistance. What had once seemed like a distant, existential threat is now startingly real for businesses of all sizes as well as the individuals who entrust their private information to them.

MSP customers – and their customers’ customers – have seen enough headlines about security breaches to realize the problem is widespread. Nearly everyone has received worried emails advocating immediate password changes and free credit monitoring services, breaking the illusion that this only happens to other people and that, instead, it’s more likely just a matter of time until a breach hits them even closer to home.

But data privacy and data security aren’t the same thing, however often these terms get used interchangeably. Temporarily removing “data” from the phrase, it’s clear that these labels have quite different meanings.

“Privacy” is about keeping others from seeing your stuff. We close our window shades and put in our earbuds when we don’t want the rest of the world to know what we’re up to, creating a few barriers for the Peeping Tom and the overeager eavesdropper. But privacy doesn’t necessarily promise true protection from more inspired snoopers actively seeking this data.

“Security,” on the other hand, is about true defensive protection. It is not just designed to dissuade the casual interloper, but rather to actively defend against bad actors intentionally accessing things they shouldn’t get their hands on. It’s the keypad to enter the elevator and the armored truck ferrying cash to the bank.

Read the complete blog post at Channel Futures.

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